
Exam Breakdown

Exam Breakdown

Section I: Multiple Choice | 40 Questions | 2 Hours | 63% of Exam Score

Part A: 28 Questions | 1 Hour 20 Minutes Minutes | Calculator Not Permitted | 43.75% of Exam Score

Part B: 12 Questions | 40 Minutes | Graphing Calculator Required | 18.75% of Exam Score

Section II: Free Response | 4 Questions | 1 Hour | 37% of Exam Score

Part A: 2 Questions | 30 Minutes | Graphing Calculator Required | 19% of Exam Score

Part B: 2 Questions | 60 Minutes | Calculator Not Permitted | 19% of Exam Score

*Four Function, Scientific, and/or Graphing Calculator Allowed Throughout Exam


Unit 1: Polynomial and Rational Functions | 30-40%

Unit 2: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | 27-40%

Unit 3: Trigonometric and Polar Functions | 30-35%

Unit 4: Functions Involving Parameters, Vectors, and Matrices | 0%
