AP World Languages


Section IA: Textual Multiple Choice | 30 Questions | 40 Minutes | 4 Passages | 23% of Exam Score

Section IB: Audio and Textual Multiple Choice | 35 Questions | 55 Minutes | 27% of Exam Score

Section IIA: Written Free Response | 2 Questions | 25% of Exam Score

Email Reply: 15 Minutes

Argumentative Essay: 55 Minutes | Recommended Reading/Planning Period 15 Minutes and Writing Period 40 Minutes

Section IIB: Voice Free Response | 2 Questions | 18 Minutes | 25% of Exam Score

Conversation: 5 Turns with 20 Seconds For Each

Cultural Comparison: 2 Minute Presentation


Section I: Multiple Choice | 50 Questions | 1 Hour | 40% of Exam Score

6 Sets of 7-10 Questions Each From Passages From and Outside the Reading List

1 Literary Criticism Passage

1 2 Passage Set (1 From and 1 Outside the Reading List)

Section II: Free Response | 4 Questions | 1 Hour and 40 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score

Short Answer Text Explanation: 1 Text From Reading List | Recommended Time Period 15 Minutes

Short Answer Text and Art Comparison: 1 Text From Reading List and 1 Work of Art| Recommended Time Period 15 Minutes

Single Text Essay: 1 Text From Reading List | Recommended Time Period 35 Minutes

Text Comparison Essay: 2 Texts (1 From and 1 Outside Reading List) Related By Theme| Recommended Time Period 35 Minutes

* Specific to Spanish Literature



